Isaiah 61

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound”. 

- Isaiah 61:1 -

What is the Isaiah 61 Ministry?

Isaiah 61 is simply the name of a specific prayer ministry at Living Rock that aims to help people find freedom from barriers that may keep us from experiencing joy and peace in Christ.

We've given this prayer ministry a name to differentiate it from several of our other prayer teams that may minister at specific times or may have a different purpose such as our intercessory prayer team, our Sunday ministry team, or our pre-service prayer team.

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In Galatians 5:1, God tells us that Jesus came so that we might be free from the debilitating effects of sin. He doesn't want our lives to be weighed down by fear, bitterness, unforgiveness, pain, anger, lust, or anything else that keeps us from experiencing the fullness of his love for us (Eph. 3:18-19). Granted, this side of heaven, we struggle with our flesh and spiritual attack, but 2 Peter 1:3 tells us that God has given us everything we need to guard our freedom, resist sin, and walk in godliness. There really is hope for living in victory!

Sometimes, though, we run into obstacles that keep us from experiencing the love of God. Past hurts, sin, lies or strongholds, left unaddressed, get in our way. The Bible’s answer to this is repentance; turning away from whatever hinders us. The Bible also clearly describes how we can identify these obstacles and how we find power for walking in freedom.

The main goal of the Isaiah 61 prayer ministry is to allow the Holy Spirit to identify and to address things hindering a deeper personal relationship with God.

This ministry uses a biblical framework to give the Holy Spirit room to address inner hurts and wounds, identify and break strongholds, and bring healing and freedom, all with the purpose of knowing God better (Eph. 1:17).

While God can meet us anytime in any way, he’s made a promise that when two or more of us gather in his name, that he blesses us with his presence (Matt. 18:20).

When we wait on him together, we can confidently expect him to reveal himself and, as our hearts are tender and open to him, we can trust he will guide us into truth (John 16:13).


 Steps to schedule a prayer time:

1. Click on THIS LINK to fill out a form that will be emailed to our team to request a prayer time.

2. Once the form is received, an email will be sent to you with your scheduled prayer time and further instructions.

3. Print and fill out the questionnaire below and bring with you to your first appointment.

4. Email if you have any questions or concerns or would like to discuss anything before scheduling.

Please print and fill out this questionnaire and bring the completed sheet with you to your appointment. This will help the interview process go much more quickly and increase the time that we can minister to you.

Our team looks forward to working with you and we'll send you a reminder by e-mail or text to confirm your appointment time.

What People Are Saying

“I went into this experience not having a clue what to expect (being a believer for forty years, and feeling there was nothing more to do). All I can say, is PLEASE do yourself a favor, and partake of this “gift”. I learned more about myself, and still, weeks later, am receiving answers to unspoken needs, and a new closeness to God. I thank the Lord for creating this ministry, and for the selfless and tireless efforts of the workers.”

“The Isaiah 61 team made me feel so comfortable and safe to share with them. They prayed for me but they also gave me tools on how to pray through things myself moving forward. I left feeling hopeful and encouraged by their visions and words over me.”

“Isaiah 61 helped me determine the deeper things going on within myself and helped me to let them go and find peace even in the midst of turmoil.”

“Isaiah 61 helped me determine the deeper things going on within myself and helped me to let them go and find peace even in the midst of turmoil.”

“I was so nervous for my Isaiah 61 experience, but right as I arrived I felt very welcomed. The team led me in prayer, giving all of my troubles and worries to God, and ever since I’ve felt so much relief. I would highly recommend if you are feeling the need to reconnect with God!”

“Four years after my husband’s death, I continued to carry a tremendous burden. That burden was filled with grief, anger, unforgiveness, guilt and shame. No one can live with that. I couldn’t move forward. Kept feeling that it was mine to carry but that is not true. Through the Isaiah 61 Ministry I learned my burden didn’t belong to me - it belonged to Jesus and I had to leave it with Him. Through prayer and confession, I was able to leave it at the Cross and it is still there. And it is still there.

I am so different now and so blessed to been able to participate with this ministry.

“Isaiah 61 helped me determine the deeper things going on within myself and helped me to let them go and find peace even in the midst of turmoil.”

“After Isaiah 61 I am learning to trust the Lord and put things in his hands more. They helped me to be able to tell satan NO when he tries to remind me of things. I just remind him I am forgiven.

“First, I want to thank you guys for the time, energy, and prayer you put into this ministry.  It was obvious to me that all I met with are deeply invested; and I'm sure that's true with all the other team members as well.

The first thought that comes to my mind following my experience is how free I suddenly feel.  God is still working with me on the issue I originally came with-- and we're making progress-- but so much more rose to the surface.  I said some things out loud that I have never said to another human being.  I never thought I needed to; but I can't believe how much that set me free.  Also, I felt so safe that I didn't hesitate to share.

I pray for this ministry daily; and I praise God for what he has already done and what he will do in the future through you steadfast and courageous advocates.  Thank you.  I love you guys.”

“Trauma and wounds had accumulated throughout my life to my detriment.  I tried to address them and I tried to ignore them - but they turned up like rodents in a Wack-A-Mole game.

Issues that I hadn't been able to conquer myself or even with the Holy Spirit, have been successfully healed through the Isaiah 61 Ministry team working under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Issues have been dispelled in my life and my walk with the Lord has become closer, more personal; even vibrant.  I'm so very grateful!!!”

“I was so nervous for my Isaiah 61 experience, but right as I arrived I felt very welcomed. The team led me in prayer, giving all of my troubles and worries to God, and ever since I’ve felt so much relief. I would highly recommend if you are feeling the need to reconnect with God!”

“The Isaiah 61 team made me feel so comfortable and safe to share with them. They prayed for me but they also gave me tools on how to pray through things myself moving forward. I left feeling hopeful and encouraged by their visions and words over me.”

“God has shown us through Pastor’s sermon series, In the Grip of God, that “rubble” and “trash” interfere with rebuilding and restoration.  Accumulated “trash” gets in the way and it is a source of discouragement.  Because we live in broken world, all of us have an accumulation of “trash” within.  We may try to move it out of the way—stow in the attic or basement—but it is still there interfering with rebuilding and bringing discouragement.  The Isaiah 61 ministry is a God-directed work of “taking out the trash” for good.  Whether you are someone whose “rubble” has accumulated to the point that you can’t get around it anymore or someone who has managed to temporarily store it out of sight, the Isaiah 61 ministry can help you do a real housecleaning.”

“Isaiah 61 showed me that I was not over grieving the loss of my brother. The prayer of Isaiah 61 helped bring that out and helped me to do better and now I don’t feel that feeling that I cannot get over losing my brother.”

“My experience in coming to Isaiah 61 was a great experience it helped me a lot it helped me forgive the people that I needed to forgive it also helped me work on opening up more. I would go back.

“Isaiah 61 freed me from fears and anxiety that I’ve had since childhood. I’m able to lead a fuller life now and I’m so grateful.”

“Isaiah 61 was a life changing experience for me! The Lord through them brought me to a place of new healing! They helped me to let go of pain that was deep down in my soul! They are so kind and I know I can say anything and trust them! God is truly working in this ministry.”

“When I went to Isaiah 61 they helped me with worrying.  Since then I am learning to trust the Lord and put things in his hands.  I can now tell Satan and I am forgiven I am a child of God and you need to go.”

“When I went to Isaiah 61 they helped me with worrying.  Since then I am learning to trust the Lord and put things in His hands.  I can now tell Satan and I am forgiven I am a child of God and you need to go.”

“The Isaiah 61 Ministry was such a blessing to me. I needed help to guide me through things in my life that were pulling me down. When I went for the first time I did not know what to expect. I will be honest, it was intense, but God started breaking down the walls in my life, walls I knew were there and walls I didn’t know we’re there. God doesn’t want us to be stuck and just getting by. He wants us to be free.   Isaiah 61 is there to help guide you, pray for and with you when you can’t just do it alone. I am still a work in progress! Isaiah 61 is like Aaron and Hur lifting up the arms of Moses.  They help us win the battle”.

“Isaiah 61 freed me from fears and anxiety that I’ve had since childhood. I’m able to lead a fuller life now and I’m so grateful.”


I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.

— Ephesians 1:17